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How to Verify a Professional's License in Lansing?

You should make sure that any professional you intend to hire in Lansing has been duly licensed by the Bureau of Professional Licensing of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The Bureau regulates and licenses over 700,000 professionals across Michigan, including architects, engineers, construction contractors, and accountants. You can verify the license of any professional you intend to hire in Lansing by visiting the verify license portal provided by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. In addition to the state licensing requirements, certain professionals in Lansing, such as demolition or building movement contractors, are also expected to obtain a license from the Lansing city clerk. You can verify the license of a contractor licensed by the city by calling the city clerk at (517) 483-4131.

Finally, take note that there may be additional requirements that must be satisfied before you can commence your project. If your project is for erection or demolition of a building, home improvement, or other construction-related activities, a permit will be required from the Lansing Department of Economic Planning and Development. You can make inquiries on what permits are required and how to obtain these permits by contacting the Department's Building Safety Office at (517) 483-4355.

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Do Lansing Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

Lansing has four wards and each neighborhood belongs to at least one of these wards. Neighborhood groups and associations are volunteer organizations in these wards that come together to advocate for, and support changes and developments that they want in their various neighborhoods. These groups collaborate with the city's government and other stakeholders, particularly the Lansing Department of Neighborhoods and Citizens Engagement, to drive initiatives and programs that would advance the people and build the neighborhoods. However, these organizations do not have any authority to issue permits to residents or businesses within the city. In September 2021, the Lansing city council approved an agreement for a 40-year payment in lieu of taxes, which will enable developers to carry out renovations on the Porter Senior Apartments at 505 Townsend Street, and would also see the city receive $46,594 as payments over the course of the agreement. On October 11, 2021, the Lansing city council held a public hearing to invite input on the proposed construction on I-496, one of Lansing's busiest highways, which is situated between Lansing Road and Grand River. In response to the invite, only one resident wrote a letter against the noise ordinance waiver which the project contractors had requested.

How to File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Lansing?

The Consumer Protection Division of the Michigan Attorney General's Office helps residents of Lansing deal with complaints of fraud or other deceptive or unfair business practices by businesses in the city. You can file a consumer complaint with the Division by completing the consumer complaint/inquiry form provided for that purpose. Alternatively, you may download a paper consumer complaint form, which you should complete and send to

  • Consumer Protection Division
  • P.O. Box 30213
  • Lansing, MI 48909-7713
  • Fax: 517-241-3771

When filing a complaint either online or using the paper complaint form, you should make sure that you include copies of all necessary supporting documents such as receipts, advertisements, and correspondence between you and the business. Note that the Attorney General's Office cannot act as your private lawyer or provide you with personal legal advice. After your complaint is received by the Division, a notice will be sent to you confirming receipt and a copy of your complaint will be sent to the business or individual who complained against, inviting a response. You should note that the complaint process provided by the Division is an informal mediation process, and as a result, the Division might be unable to secure the cooperation of the business or even get a response in some cases. Where there is no response from the business, the Division will confirm this to you in writing. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the complaint process, you can choose to proceed to a Lansing Small Claims Court to file an action against the business or you can contact a private attorney for a review of your legal options.